Ngano – Bere anorwisanisa Shumba na Gudo

Bere anorwisanisa Shumba na Gudo. Godo chinhu chakawoma.Hyena makes Lion and Baboon fight. Envy is a very dangerous thing. When Lion is looking for someone to look after his children, Hyena is jealous that he picks Baboon. Hyena thinks he would do a better job himself so he sets about proving that Baboon is not… Continue reading Ngano – Bere anorwisanisa Shumba na Gudo

Ngano – Kubatwa Kwakaitwa Shumba

Kubatwa kwakaitwa Shumba. Shumba is up to no good, and in today’s Shona story time Gogo Alice tells the tale of villagers trying to figure out who was stealing their livestock. What they discovered was a shock that they had not bargained for. Stories are also a good way of teaching life lessons in a… Continue reading Ngano – Kubatwa Kwakaitwa Shumba

Ngano – Sei Zizi achifamba madeko chete?

Sei Zizi achifamba madeko chete?Why does Owl only travel at night?Join us in today’s Shona story time and learn the tale of Zizi and why he only travels at night. A long time ago Zizi used to travel during the day like many of the other birds.He had a crafty plan to get the other… Continue reading Ngano – Sei Zizi achifamba madeko chete?