Ngano – Ndambakuudzwa


Ndambakuudzwa akaonekwa nembonje pahuma.
We have this saying in Shona that means that sometimes we need to heed the advice of others as they often can see things that might not seem obvious to you.

In today’s Shona storytime we meet an old lady who embarks on some things that those around her advise her against. They have her best interests at heart. But will she listen to their advice or go her own way?

Find out what happened in this ngano from Sarura Kids today!

Stories are also a good way of teaching life lessons in a fun way. They are creative and can be tweaked to suit the child who is listening to them. Try telling your kids a story today and see if they can relate it to their world!

Ngano | Ndambakuudzwa | Shona storytime

We have many more ngano on our Youtube channel. You can find them on this page.

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We hope you enjoy this video as well as other videos. We love creating them for you.

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