How to make cornbread

how to make cornbread

It’s time to make cornbread with Sarura Kids today!
Gogo Alice has a special recipe from when she was a young girl. She loves this bread and you will too.
Ano and Vongai are in the kitchen helping Gogo today. Our little chefs are busy and dressed the part. Ano is doing a great job of counting all the ingredients and helping with measuring.
Vongai is doing a good job of keeping everything in check and giving all the things in the kitchen a vigorous taste test.
Great teamwork!

Join in and follow Gogo Alice’s recipe for perfect cornbread every time!
Cornbread in Zimbabwe is also called chimwondimwii or chimupotohai
Do you know it by any other name where you are?

So let’s preheat the oven to 180 degrees celcius and grab these ingredients.
Let’s cook together!
300g maize meal
600g self-raising flour (*if using plain flour use 2 teaspoons for each 150g of flour)
100g caster sugar
100g margarine or butter
4 eggs
pinch of salt
300ml of milk to start. Add more during mixing if needed until the batter is sticky and just short of pouring. See the consistency in Gogo’s video.

We hope you love it as much as we do! Enjoy ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Cornbread recipe: How to make cornbread with Sarura Kids

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