Ngatidzidzirei kuchengetedza musha pa Zimbabwe. Let’s learn how to look after the household in Zimbabwe. Many thanks to Tinaishe and her family who sent this video to us.Sarura Kids is about learning shona language and about the world around us.Watch this video recorded by Tinaishe and her family for us.She tells us about her average… Continue reading Kuchengetedza musha pa Zimbabwe
Tag: learn shona language online
Days months and seasons in Shona
Let’s learn how to say the different days, months and seasons in Shona with Sarura Kids. Nhasi tiri kudzidzira mazuva, mwedzi nemwaka yegore. Today in our learning Shona class we will practise saying the names of days, months, and seasons of the year. Gogo Alice gives you a handy guide to surviving the Zimbabwean terrain… Continue reading Days months and seasons in Shona