The letters Bv in Shona

Let’s learn how to say the letters Bv in Shona with this fun phonics song from Sarura KidsBv is for Bvunda. Bvunda means shiver. And Shona is shivering when she went outside without her jumper on! Oh gosh it is cold! She shivers so much she can’t stand it!Bv is for Bvabvadza. Bvabvadza means stomping… Continue reading The letters Bv in Shona

The letters Bh in Shona

Let’s learn how to say the letters Bh in Shona with this fun phonics song from Sarura KidsBh sounds like “B” for bear, or “B” for bananaWhich is different from “B” for Bikita from our last videoThere are so many fun words that start with “Bh” in Shona, but today Amai and Taurai wanted you… Continue reading The letters Bh in Shona

The letter B in Shona

Let’s learn how to say the letter B in Shona with this fun phonics song from Sarura KidsB is for Bepepe (Vandyke beard)B is for Bikita (antbear)Can you wiggle your toes like an antbear?Dance and sing along with us today Come and learn Shona for kids with us today!Sarura Kids teaches the Shona language basics… Continue reading The letter B in Shona

VaDununu vanoenda kunovhima

VaDununu vanoenda kunovhima. Asi vachadzoka here nemhuka? VaDununu is a lazy man who doesn’t like hard work. So when his wife asks him to go hunting for some game he tries to think of the easiest solution that will benefit him more than anyone else.Without much experience, he decides that he will head off into… Continue reading VaDununu vanoenda kunovhima

The letter A in Shona

Let’s learn how to say the letter A in Shona with this fun phonics song from Sarura KidsA is for AmaiA is for AmbuyaAmai and Ambuya sing and dance along in this fun song for the whole family! Come and learn Shona for kids with us today!Sarura Kids teaches the Shona language basics in a… Continue reading The letter A in Shona

Ngano – VaSvinurai nemudzimai wavo

VaSvinurai nemudzimai wavo is a funny little ngano about the power of imagination and how it can build hope and ambition, but equally can cause conflict and disagreement. A man and his wife are fed up of not being able to farm and get some yield from their hard work. Since they are too poor… Continue reading Ngano – VaSvinurai nemudzimai wavo