The letters Bh in Shona

the letters bh in shona phonics

Let’s learn how to say the letters Bh in Shona with this fun phonics song from Sarura Kids
Bh sounds like “B” for bear, or “B” for banana
Which is different from “B” for Bikita from our last video
There are so many fun words that start with “Bh” in Shona, but today Amai and Taurai wanted you to join them while Amai shushes Taurai to sleep.
Bh is for bhabhadzira, which is gently tapping baby’s back so they feel relaxed and soothe
Bh is for bhabhu which means baby-carrying. This is done using a mud cloth or towel, and even any long piece of material fashioned by the continuously creative moms of Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwean moms love to carry their babies on their backs and soothe them to sleep, or as a great ride when they are out and about.
So when babies hear “Bhabhu nhanha” meaning “baby carrying time little one” they know just what to do!
Little ones love “bhabhu”
And listen out at the end for our popular Zimbabwean baby lullaby song.
It’s called Mwana wenyu achema akoma, although it is often known as Hwe hu hwe nyarara nhanha.
You can also find the full song with the English translation in this video:
Shona Lullaby | Mwana wenyu achema akoma | Hwe hu hwe nyarara nhanha

We hope you love this song as much as we do. Find us on the different social media platforms and say hello. We’d love to hear from you.

The letters Bh in Shona | Phonics Song | Shona Songs for Babies

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