The Shona alphabet with Trymore

The Shona alphabet with Trymore

It’s time to learn the Shona alphabet with Trymore today!
This is part of a longer video coming soon.
Today you will discover how letters sound in the Shona alphabet in our singalong song with Trymore.
Can you guess the names of the things on your screen? Did you know their Shona names? Or how they sound when you are speaking Shona?
The Shona alphabet sounds like the phonics alphabet in English.
But can you spot some of the really important big differences?
Listen and mention us on Twitter or Facebook to let us know what you noticed!

Come and learn Shona for kids with Eddy Kwazi and Trymore today!
Sarura Kids teaches the Shona language basics in a fun and engaging way. There are tonnes of free Shona language lessons as well as discussions for some of the more tricky things.
There are accurate subtitles in many of our videos by native Shona language speakers so grownups can follow along too.

The Shona alphabet with Trymore

We have many more Shona language videos on our Youtube channel. You can find them on this page.

If you like this post why not check out our other Shona language puppets on this page?

We hope you enjoy this video as well as other videos. We love creating them for you.

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