Who is Tawanda Kanhema and why do we love what he’s done for Zimbabwe? If you like this #shorts video then check out the full video here:Day 21 #ShonaChallenge – who is your favourite Zimbabwean celebrity?https://buff.ly/3vd6AXi The Shona Challenge ran from 1 to 31 May 2021It is a daily challenge to speak Shona and learn… Continue reading Who is Tawanda Kanhema?
Tag: speaking shona
How well do you know your Shona idioms?
Do you know your Shona idioms or tsumo? On day 23 of our Shona Challenge in May we explored some tsumo from Zimbabwe.You can find the rest of the video here:Day 23 #ShonaChallenge – tsumo/ idioms in Shona language https://buff.ly/34aN41R The Shona Challenge ran from 1 to 31 May 2021It is a daily challenge to… Continue reading How well do you know your Shona idioms?
Day Thirty One Shona Challenge – challenge a friend
It’s day 31 of the #ShonaChallenge!We’ve come to the end of our Shona Challenge with Sarura Kids.Thank you so much to everyone who took part. You really made our May. We’ve learnt so much in this month, and we hope you have too.Shona is one of those languages that is a joy to speak and… Continue reading Day Thirty One Shona Challenge – challenge a friend
Day Twenty Seven Shona Challenge – 5 mountains in Zimbabwe
It’s day 27 of the #ShonaChallenge and today we will name 5 mountains in Zimbabwe. Gogo Alice is here to help! Let’s dive right in and name 5 mountains in Zimbabwe together. We’re so grateful that you’ve been taking part in the Shona challenge with us. Don’t forget it’s open to the whole family. We’d… Continue reading Day Twenty Seven Shona Challenge – 5 mountains in Zimbabwe
Day Twenty Six Shona Challenge – 5 cities in Zimbabwe
It’s day 26 of the #ShonaChallenge and it’s time to name 5 cities in Zimbabwe…These are the top 5 cities in Zimbabwe in terms of population, and Gogo Alice is going to go over their names. But before you listen, can you guess what the top 5 cities in Zimbabwe are by population? After Gogo… Continue reading Day Twenty Six Shona Challenge – 5 cities in Zimbabwe
Day Twenty Five Shona Challenge – Madimikira
It’s day 25 of the #ShonaChallenge and today we are going to learn some madimikira, or metaphors in Shona language!Metaphors are a staple of all language. And Shona metaphors are no different. They add flavour to language, and some are more elaborate than others. The beauty of language is within the creative pepper that we… Continue reading Day Twenty Five Shona Challenge – Madimikira
Day Twenty Four Shona Challenge – Nyaudzosingwi
Welcome to day 24 of our May #ShonaChallenge!Today we are learning nyaudzosingwi or ideophones in Shona language.We hope you are starting to get better at hearing what it sounds like when someone is speaking in Shona now. Today’s video is great because it adds that extra oomph! to the Shona language. Gogo Alice gives you… Continue reading Day Twenty Four Shona Challenge – Nyaudzosingwi
Day Twenty Three Shona Challenge – Tsumo
Ngatidzidzirei tsumo dze ChiShona. It’s day 23 of the #ShonaChallenge! And today we are learning some idioms in Shona.Idioms are known as tsumo in Shona.Gosh the month is flying by isn’t it? How many of these tsumo did you know? We’re so grateful that you’ve been taking part in the Shona challenge with us. Don’t… Continue reading Day Twenty Three Shona Challenge – Tsumo
Day Twenty One Shona Challenge – Zimbabwean celebrities
It’s day 21 of the #ShonaChallenge!Today we are going to be learning about 2 Zimbabwean celebrities. The first one is Tawanda Kanhema. Gogo Alice tells us about the work that he did helping map places in Zimbabwe for Google Maps. He’s one of our role models, and we are so proud of the work he… Continue reading Day Twenty One Shona Challenge – Zimbabwean celebrities
Day Twenty Shona Challenge – months of the year in Shona
It’s day 20 of our #ShonaChallenge and we are going to learn the months of the year in the Shona language.We’ve got some handy songs from Ano and Gogo Alice. Try singing along with us. We’ve put some handy subtitles in Shona for the grownups and older kids who can read. We’re so grateful that… Continue reading Day Twenty Shona Challenge – months of the year in Shona