Ngano dze ChiShona – Hawundikunde iwe Mvuu

Mvuu means Hippo in Shona. Sit down childrenListen to this little story from Zimbabwe with Gogo Alice.Learn why Rabbit does not get along with Hippo, Elephant, and Lion.Our little story called “Hawundikunde iwe Mvuu” is a fun family-friendly one that you can all listen to and learn Shona language as you do.Shona stories re often… Continue reading Ngano dze ChiShona – Hawundikunde iwe Mvuu

Days months and seasons in Shona

Let’s learn how to say the different days, months and seasons in Shona with Sarura Kids. Nhasi tiri kudzidzira mazuva, mwedzi nemwaka yegore. Today in our learning Shona class we will practise saying the names of days, months, and seasons of the year. Gogo Alice gives you a handy guide to surviving the Zimbabwean terrain… Continue reading Days months and seasons in Shona

Mwana wenyu achema akoma – Shona lullaby

Mwana wenyu achema akoma is more popularly known as hwe hu hwe nyarara nhanha.Nhanha means baby, and even if one does not know the lyrics of the song this is a very popular shona lullaby from Zimbabwe. Shona lullabies are not necessarily to be directly interpreted.This poem is as much an observation of life and… Continue reading Mwana wenyu achema akoma – Shona lullaby