Kwazi spinning around the world

kwazi spinning around the world

Learning about the world is so much fun!

Kwazi is so busy doing her ABCs on the spinning wheel that she doesn’t notice Tina and Tim appear out of nowhere…
In fact, she carries on unaware until they make a sound and startle her!
She’s surprised.
How did they turn up here?
Everyone’s been looking for them since they disappeared from Fancy Mel’s aerobics show. Do you remember? When she was doing those fantastic cartwheels and Tina and Tim and their friend just magically vanished?

Well, Kwazi is happy to see them.
Today she wants to try a fun game she’s had in mind for a while.
Do you want to join in?

It’s called spinning around the world.

You see, her spinning wheel is magical.
And it has the power to take you wherever you want to go around the world. When you spin the wheel you turn up in a country that starts with the letter you landed on.
Kwazi can’t wait to try it out!

Today she lands on some amazing and very different countries!
Take a ride with her as she discovers these magical places in our world.
Come and learn with Sarura Kids as we take you on a magical adventure around the world!

Tina and Tim’s Magical Adventures will be available every Wednesday so check back in the playlist. They will be in a different place every week! Next week they are visiting Zoey.
Her channel is
Zoey: All Things Zoey 2015

Ep.4: Tina and Tim – Kwazi Spinning around the world

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