Kuchengeta hangaiwa pamba

hangaiwa pamba

Hangaiwa means pigeons in the Shona language. Ngonidzashe is caring for pigeons at home.
Shona is a language spoken in Zimbabwe in Africa
Kuchengeta hangaiwa pamba chinhu chinofadza kuona.
It makes us happy to see someone caring for pigeons at home.

Ngonidzashe feeds the pigeons. They flock to him to get the food he has.
In Zimbabwe we like to see birds like pigeons gathering on a household. We believe that if birds like these come to your home you have a peaceful home. If you have a house with unrest the birds will not come.

We hope you enjoy this little video sharing a simple yet beautiful practice with Ngonidzashe at his home.

Caring for pigeons at home | Kuchengeta hangaiwa pamba

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