Day Thirteen Shona Challenge – Describe your day in Shona

describe your day in shona

Can you describe your day in Shona?

By now you have learnt a few basic words in Shona. You have also picked up a few basic Shona phrases.

Today we bring some of these words together into a brief description of what we are doing in our day.

Say hi to Kayla. Kayla wants to tell you about what she does when she comes home from school. Kayla is very good at helping around the house and outside in the garden.
Ruva is sharing her favourite thing to do when she is at home.
Gogo Alice also shares her favourite hobby with you and shows you what she does with the different tools. Do you remember the names for spoon and scissors in Shona? Wave or shout out when you see them in Gogo’s story.

Have you done our Shona challenge? It’s open to the whole family. We’d love to see your videos online. Just tag us and we will retweet or repost you on social media

Want to take part in the 30 day challenge? Then send us a video 2 days in advance and we will include you in the Youtube video.
🎀The picture is pinned on our Twitter channel
🎀Or you can download it here:

Day 13 #ShonaChallenge – describe your day in Shona

All the videos for the Shona challenge are on this page. Check them out!

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