Day Nineteen Shona Challenge – water

why is water good for us

Water water is good for us!

Welcome to day 19 of our #ShonaChallenge!

We hope by now you are starting to recognise what the Shona language sounds like? Maybe you are also trying out some words every day. We hope so, because we are doing just that every single day.

We are so lucky to have such wonderful friends and teachers doing this with us. Gogo Alice loves hearing from you on our Instagram channel username Sarura Kids. Send her a message or leave a comment on our pictures.

Today Gogo is going to talk about why water is important for our bodies.
Did you know that at least 60% of the human body is made of water? Wow!
So you can see why it’s so important to drink water whenever you can. Your body really does need it!

We’re so grateful that you’ve been taking part in the Shona challenge with us. Don’t forget it’s open to the whole family. We’d love to see your videos online. Just tag us and we will retweet or repost you on social media

Want to take part in the 30 day challenge? Then send us a video 2 days in advance and we will include you in the Youtube video.
🎀The picture is pinned on our Twitter channel
🎀Or you can download it here:

Day 19 #ShonaChallenge – Shona language why is water good for us?

All the videos for the Shona challenge are on this page. Check them out!

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