Tall and Short in Shona

Let’s learn how to say tall and short in Shona today! Refu and pfupi are supercool words, and we can practice saying them out loud together.Then we can go for a walk with Trymore and discover some of the amazing things around us that are tall and short! Tall and Short in Shona | Refu… Continue reading Tall and Short in Shona

Happy Read to Me Day 2022

Happy Read to Me Day 2022!Sarura Kids and Ndawana and Friends love reading! And today we want to read you two very different books. The first book is called “Let’s Learn Basic Ndebele” and you can find it here:https://www.ndawana.com/shop?store-page=Lets-Learn-Basic-Ndebele-p376830153 The second book is by us and isSarura Kids: Donhodzo Rezororohttps://www.wob.com/en-gb/books/sarura-kids/donhodzo-rezororo/9781006283147 We are in love with… Continue reading Happy Read to Me Day 2022

Inside and Outside in Shona

Do you know how to say inside and outside in Shona? Let’s learn together today.Trymore wants to play a fun little game with you today called “thinking outside the box”…. Or inside.Depends which one you enjoy more really.Either way you will enjoy today’s video and by the end of this video you will be able… Continue reading Inside and Outside in Shona

Near and Far in Shona

Let’s learn about near and far in Shona. Come and learn Shona for kids with Trymore today!Sarura Kids teaches the Shona language basics in a fun and engaging way. There are tonnes of free Shona language lessons as well as discussions for some of the more tricky things.There are accurate subtitles in many of our… Continue reading Near and Far in Shona

Big and small in Shona

Let’s learn about big and small in Shona. Come and learn Shona for kids with Eddy Kwazi and Trymore today!Sarura Kids teaches the Shona language basics in a fun and engaging way. There are tonnes of free Shona language lessons as well as discussions for some of the more tricky things.There are accurate subtitles in… Continue reading Big and small in Shona

International Mother Language Day 2022

Happy International Mother Language Day everyone!We are joined by our wonderful friend Ndawana from “Ndawana and Friends” right here on Youtube. You can find them onhttps://www.youtube.com/c/NdawanaandFriends We love learning our mother language! In fact as you know that’s all we do here on Sarura Kids! Learning Shona in lots of fun ways and learning about… Continue reading International Mother Language Day 2022

Snow day in Scotland

We had a gorgeous snow day in Scotland!February is winter in Scotland, and the snow fell.So Ano and Vongai went out to play in the snow.Join Trymore as he tells you all about their adventure This is a Shona language video. WORDS YOU WILL HEAR IN THIS VIDEO Kazuwai shamwari dzangu – hello my friendsMuri… Continue reading Snow day in Scotland

All about the Shona alphabet with Trymore

Trymore wants to tell you all about the Shona alphabet.We love Shona so much!We are exploring the Shona alphabet today with you. Today we are learning some of the wonderful sounds of the Shona alphabet. We are going to start with the basic one letter. Similar to the English alphabet. The Shona alphabet sounds like… Continue reading All about the Shona alphabet with Trymore

Shona words that have more than one meaning

Trymore has visited Ruva’s Gogo today. He’s polishing up on his basic Shona words. He is looking for words that have more than one meaning.He discovered the other day that mbudzi means more than one thing.Gogo is only too happy to help.But before she can tell him what words she knows that have more than… Continue reading Shona words that have more than one meaning

How to count to ten in Shona

Kwazi is practising her counting when Eddy and Trymore turn upShe wants to learn how to count to ten in Shona. Do you want to learn how to count to 10 in Shona with Eddy Kwazi and Trymore too? Come and have fun with us as we count along with you.Read the numbers on the… Continue reading How to count to ten in Shona