The letters Bw in Shona

phonics song letter bw in shona

Let’s learn how to say the letters Bw in Shona with this fun phonics song from Sarura Kids
Bw is for Bwataira. Bwataira means tiptoeing in a sneaky fashion. Tsuro or Hare loves to sneak around up to no good. Have you read our Tsuro na Gudo ngano book?
Can you pretend to bwataira just like Tsuro does?

Come and learn Shona for kids with us today!
Sarura Kids teaches the Shona language basics in a fun and engaging way. There are tonnes of free Shona language lessons as well as discussions for some of the more tricky things.
There are accurate subtitles in many of our videos by native Shona language speakers so grownups can follow along too.

The letters Bw in Shona | Phonics Song | Shona Songs for Babies

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