Nature scavenger hunt

5 ways to get kids interested in nature 01 nature scavenger hunt

Let’s go on a nature scavenger hunt!
Welcome to 5 ways to get your kids interested in nature.
Each day this week we will bring you a different cool way in which you can get out and make the most of nature with the little ones.

These activities are suggestions and you can tweak them to suit your kids’ abilities and interests.

Today Ano and Vongai are going on a nature scavenger hunt. We have a list of things to spot while we are out and about. Scavenger hunts are a great way to spot specific things in nature, and also help little ones focus and therefore stay engaged.

We also found ferns while we were out on our nature trail.
Did you know that ferns are a great example of fractals in nature. We can find fibonacci in nature in ferns. The beautiful unfurling when the weather starts to warm up is truly marvellous to see. And the girls love seeing and feeling the softness of the fern.

Who knew you could find such beautiful mathematics in nature?
We loved our nature scavenger hunt. We hope you do too!

01 – 5 ways to get your kids interested in nature | nature scavenger hunt

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