Names of months in Shona

gogo alice mazita emwedzi names of months of the year in shona

Learn the names of the months in Shona.

From January to December. We have 12 months in a year.

Nhasi tiri kudzidzira mazita emwedzi muShona. Shona chirudzi chinotaurwa mu Zimbabwe
We are going to learn the names of months in Shona. The Shona language is spoken in Zimbabwe.

In today’s Shona lesson Gogo Alice is going to teach you the names of the months of the year in Shona. Maybe you have heard these names before but never knew which month they were?
Whether you know them or not why not join in and say the names along with us?

You might just surprise yourself with how much you remember.
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Why don’t you learn with a friend or with your family?

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Mazita emwedzi | Names of months in Shona | Learning Shona language with Sarura Kids

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