How to say Ba Be Bi Bo Bu in Shona

Ba Be Bi Bo Bu in Shona

Ba Be Bi Bo Bu in Shona are relatively difficult sounds to get just right. Even when you think you’ve mastered it you find yourself rumbled by a native Shona speaker.

There is hope!

We’ve got a “foolproof?” tip to get you B ready right here!

In this video we give you some handy tips for getting your Shona B to sound like… well… a Shona B.

But remember, there is really no substitute for just practising. With your own tongue. Don’t leave it to chance that you know what it sounds like so you can replicate it. Find B words to practise every day and just say them. Over and over and over again. Until even you do a double take when you hear yourself! haha

Once you get it you will just get it.

So today in our vowels and consonants lesson we are going to learn a new sound. The letter “b” in Shona has a deeper bass sound to it than you might be used to. But with practice you can get it.
Today we are learning

We’ll also give examples of words of each of these and a fun nonsense sentence to practise and get used to how it sounds. Try speaking along with us and listen to the subtlety of the sound.

Practise the sound “b” 00:43
Ba 01:48
Be 02:13
Bi 02:34
Bo 02:55
Bu 03:21

Vowels and consonants | Ba Be Bi Bo Bu in Shona

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