Get 50 Shona Phrases for Beginners Free

50 free Shona phrases pdf

Get 50 Shona Phrases for Beginners

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Here are some Shona phrases to get you started on your journey to speaking Shona.

Well, it’s about 55. But who’s counting right?

We are passionate about teaching Shona and also about hearing people speak Shona out loud.

We came up with this COMPLETELY FREE Shona phrase guide which is a must use when starting out in speaking Shona.

It covers your basic greetings and it also has some handy phrases to use in everyday situations. It is really handy, we hope you enjoy it!

If you want to learn more Shona, why not check out our Shona language videos? They have handy descriptions and words interpreted so that you can follow along as well as understand what is being said. Some of our videos also have handy subtitles.

You can find out more on this page.

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